Saturday Practice - 3/6

Thanks to all of the parents that helped out on Wednesday while I was out sick.  I was jealous that I couldn't be out there.

We will be having practice on Saturday for those that can make it.  Let's plan on having 2 practices per week until the season begins.  At that point I think we should cut back to 1 because I'm sure the game schedule will be hectic enough as it is.

I have some good news - FBSA has opened up the Shawnee Trails field for reserved practices a little longer for the T-Ballers since we don't have a pre-season like the older kids.  We essentially have it until the season starts, so we'll continue to meet there on Saturdays.  Hopefully they will fix up the dirt soon so we can practice on the actual diamond.

I look forward to seeing all of you on
Saturday, March 6th at 1:30 pm at Shawnee Trails Park!


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