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Website Moved

Due to limitations here on blogspot, I've decided to move the team website here:

Looks like we'll finally catch a break with the weather tomorrow - says it will be sunny and in the 60s.  We're scheduled for 1:30 pm at Shawnee Trails Park (6501 Hillcrest Rd).

I also wanted to remind everyone that the Family Night with the Frisco Rough Riders forms are due March 22nd.  If you'd like to go just submit your form to the address on the form or give it to me and I'll turn it in for you.  I emailed out more forms last week so if you still need one just let me know.

I received an email that our uniforms will be available as early as March 16th.  I will distribute those as soon as I can go pick them up.  Once the uniforms are passed out I'll do another announcement for ordering decals if you're interested in that.  We need to know uniform numbers before we can order decals.

See you on Saturday!

Practice has officially been cancelled due to poor field conditions.  We are still scheduled for Saturday at 1:30 at Shawnee Trails Park (Hillcrest).

It looks like it's going to rain for most of the day tomorrow. Right now says it will clear up by 5 or so, but if it's been raining all day the fields will be too wet for practice. I think we're going to have to cancel, unless it doesn't rain tomorrow. Let's just say it's cancelled unless the weather improves.  Look for an update here on blogspot since I can't access personal email at work.

Thanks to all of the parents that helped out on Wednesday while I was out sick.  I was jealous that I couldn't be out there.

We will be having practice on Saturday for those that can make it.  Let's plan on having 2 practices per week until the season begins.  At that point I think we should cut back to 1 because I'm sure the game schedule will be hectic enough as it is.

I have some good news - FBSA has opened up the Shawnee Trails field for reserved practices a little longer for the T-Ballers since we don't have a pre-season like the older kids.  We essentially have it until the season starts, so we'll continue to meet there on Saturdays.  Hopefully they will fix up the dirt soon so we can practice on the actual diamond.

I look forward to seeing all of you on
Saturday, March 6th at 1:30 pm at Shawnee Trails Park!

Unfortunately we're going to have to cancel Wednesday night's practice due to cold weather. Let's hope it warms up soon so we can still hold practice on Saturday.

Saturday's practice will be held at 1:30 at Shawnee Trails Park located at 6501 Hillcrest Rd.

If you have any questions just let me know!

Practice is Iffy

Hi Team:

We tentatively have a practice scheduled for Wednesday at Spears Elementary at 5:30, but the weather isn't looking great.  Tuesday might have snow, and while Wednesday looks sunny for now, the high is in the upper 40's and the grass might still be wet.  It's still on for now, but if the weather doesn't hold up we might have to cancel.

Saturday's practice went really well and I want to thank all of the moms and dads that have been helping out so much.  Our team is awesome, both kids and parents!

I'll send out an update if we need to cancel practice on Wednesday.  Still plan for practice on Wed and Sat for now.

We will have a (real) practice on Wednesday, Feb 17th at 5:30 pm.  The practice will be held at Spears Elementary.  There is a backstop on the west side of the school.  I chose an earlier time so we will have daylight since there are no lights there.  I know it's short notice so I understand if anyone is not able to make it.  I just want to get the ball rolling with teaching the kids the basics.

The address of Spears Elementary is 8500 Wade Blvd.


FBSA has closed the fields this week due to inclement weather. I'd still like to meet on Saturday at 1:30 so the kids can meet each other and to take care of administrative details. If you can make it, and if the roads permit, please come to Cici's Pizza at 1:30 on Preston Road in Frisco.

Our first practice is scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 13th. Please make every effort to attend - there's lots of little things going on right now that need to get tidied up and I'd also like to give the boys as much time as possible to get to know one another and learn the basics of the game prior to the first game scheduled in late March.

The reserved practice field is located at Shawnee Trail in Frisco. The address is 6501 Hillcrest Rd, Frisco, TX. The start time is 1:30 pm. This will be the schedule every week until March 1st, when we lose the reservation, and I will make other accommodations between now and then. Practices will move to a weeknight (probably Wednesday night) as we will have games on Saturdays.
FBSA provides jerseys and hats. When those arrive I will bring them to practice to distribute. Parents are responsible for pants, socks, belts, and helmets. FBSA has arranged a package deal with Frisco Sports Center for everything but the helmets. Please bring a check (or cash) for $29 made out to Frisco Sports Center to the first practice on 2/13. This will allow me to order all of our pants, socks, and belts in time to arrive prior to our first game. Frisco Sports Center also sells helmets, gloves, bats, etc., but I also have coupons for Dick's Sporting Goods that offer 10-15% off from all of those other items. I will bring those to the first practice on 2/13. Also, I bought a box of T-Balls, but we might need more, so if every child brings 1 ball each we should be set.
Also, please send me the size of pants and socks to order for your child. You can also tell me this at practice when you bring your $29. You can get your child sized at Frisco Sports Center, but I'm guessing that all our boys will need Youth X-Small on the pants and small for the socks. I went to check it out today and the X-Small pants are still pretty large on my 5-year old.


I wanted to show you guys what our uniforms will (kind of) look like. The navy is actually a darker color, but this is close. I will give out more details later in the week on what you need to purchase for pants, belts, socks, helmets, etc., but for now this will give you an idea of what to expect. I felt some samples of the jerseys and they are really nice.


So from the title of this Blog you can guess our team name - we are the Nittany Lions (Penn State, for those non-college fans). I'm really excited about this season. I will be using this blog as an easy way for all parents to check out what's going on with the schedule for games, practices, pictures, and everything else. Be sure to check back every now and then for an update, in addition to the email traffic that is sure to be circulating. Welcome to the team!