Looks like we'll finally catch a break with the weather tomorrow - weather.com says it will be sunny and in the 60s.  We're scheduled for 1:30 pm at Shawnee Trails Park (6501 Hillcrest Rd).

I also wanted to remind everyone that the Family Night with the Frisco Rough Riders forms are due March 22nd.  If you'd like to go just submit your form to the address on the form or give it to me and I'll turn it in for you.  I emailed out more forms last week so if you still need one just let me know.

I received an email that our uniforms will be available as early as March 16th.  I will distribute those as soon as I can go pick them up.  Once the uniforms are passed out I'll do another announcement for ordering decals if you're interested in that.  We need to know uniform numbers before we can order decals.

See you on Saturday!

Practice has officially been cancelled due to poor field conditions.  We are still scheduled for Saturday at 1:30 at Shawnee Trails Park (Hillcrest).

It looks like it's going to rain for most of the day tomorrow. Right now weather.com says it will clear up by 5 or so, but if it's been raining all day the fields will be too wet for practice. I think we're going to have to cancel, unless it doesn't rain tomorrow. Let's just say it's cancelled unless the weather improves.  Look for an update here on blogspot since I can't access personal email at work.

Thanks to all of the parents that helped out on Wednesday while I was out sick.  I was jealous that I couldn't be out there.

We will be having practice on Saturday for those that can make it.  Let's plan on having 2 practices per week until the season begins.  At that point I think we should cut back to 1 because I'm sure the game schedule will be hectic enough as it is.

I have some good news - FBSA has opened up the Shawnee Trails field for reserved practices a little longer for the T-Ballers since we don't have a pre-season like the older kids.  We essentially have it until the season starts, so we'll continue to meet there on Saturdays.  Hopefully they will fix up the dirt soon so we can practice on the actual diamond.

I look forward to seeing all of you on
Saturday, March 6th at 1:30 pm at Shawnee Trails Park!

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